Ornamental gardens are an integral part of outdoor living spaces that enhance the aesthetic beauty of our surroundings. These gardens are typically designed for visual pleasure, often incorporating an array of elements such as statues, water features, and decorative plants. Amongst these plants, flowers play a vital role in creating a breathtaking and eye-catching display. Flowers not only provide a spectrum of colors but also bring life to the garden with their fragrance and pollinator-attracting properties. In British Columbia, an abundance of flowers can be found due to its favorable climate and diverse ecosystems. If you’re thinking of starting an ornamental garden in BC or looking to enhance your existing one, we have compiled a list of the 10 most popular flowers that are sure to make your garden a sight to behold. With a little bit of care and attention, these flowers will thrive and provide you with stunning blooms season after season.


Rhododendrons are a staple of BC gardens, and for good reason. These evergreen shrubs produce large clusters of brightly-colored flowers in a variety of shades, from deep reds to pale pinks. To care for your rhododendrons, plant them in a spot with well-draining soil and partial shade. Water them regularly, and fertilize them with a rhododendron-specific fertilizer in the spring.


Tulips are a sure sign that spring has arrived in BC. These cheerful flowers come in a variety of colors, from sunny yellows to deep purples. To grow tulips, plant them in a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Plant bulbs in the fall, about 6 inches deep and 4-6 inches apart. Water regularly and mulch with a layer of compost or leaves in the winter.


Daffodils are another classic spring flower that’s easy to grow in BC gardens. These bright yellow blooms are a cheerful sight after a long winter. To plant daffodils, choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Plant bulbs in the fall, about 6 inches deep and 4-6 inches apart. Water regularly and mulch with a layer of compost or leaves in the winter.


Roses are a timeless addition to any garden, and they thrive in BC’s mild climate. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil to plant your roses. Water them deeply once a week, and fertilize them with a rose-specific fertilizer in the spring and summer. Prune them in the late winter or early spring to encourage new growth and blooms.


Lilies are elegant, showy flowers that add a touch of sophistication to any garden. Plant them in a spot with well-draining soil and partial shade. Water them regularly and fertilize them with a bulb-specific fertilizer in the spring and fall. Mulch with a layer of compost or leaves in the winter to protect the bulbs.


Peonies are a romantic, old-fashioned flower that adds a touch of nostalgia to any garden. Plant them in a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Water them deeply once a week, and fertilize them with a peony-specific fertilizer in the spring. Mulch with a layer of compost or leaves in the winter.


Irises are striking flowers with their distinctive shape and bold colors. Plant them in a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Water them deeply once a week, and fertilize them with an all-purpose fertilizer in the spring. Divide the bulbs every few years to prevent overcrowding.


Dahlias are a fun, whimsical flower that comes in a wide range of colors and shapes. Plant them in a spot with well-draining soil and full sun. Water them regularly and fertilize them with a dahlia-specific fertilizer in the summer. Pinch back the tips of the stems in the early summer to encourage bushier growth and more blooms.


Sunflowers are a cheerful, sunny flower that adds a pop of color to any garden. Plant them in a spot with well-draining soil and full sun. Water them regularly and fertilize them with an all-purpose fertilizer in the spring. Pinch back the tips of the stems in the early summer to encourage bushier growth and more blooms. They also make great cut flowers to bring indoors.


Crocuses are a welcome sight in early spring, with their delicate blooms emerging even before the snow has fully melted. Plant them in a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Plant bulbs in the fall, about 4 inches deep and 2-3 inches apart. Water them regularly and mulch with a layer of compost or leaves in the winter.

In conclusion, incorporating any of these 10 popular flowers into your British Columbia garden is guaranteed to bring an explosion of color, beauty, and sheer delight to your outdoor living space. The visual appeal of these blossoms will undoubtedly enhance the ambiance of your garden and fill it with a lively, refreshing aura. With a little bit of dedicated care and attention, these flowers are bound to thrive, flourish, and keep blooming in full glory, season after season. You’ll find joy in the sight of the vibrant and enchanting hues of your garden. What’s more, tending to your garden can also be therapeutic and a great way to get outside and connect with nature. So, happy gardening, and enjoy the journey of nurturing these magnificent flowers that will enrich your living space and positively influence your well-being. Remember, every time you tend to your garden, you’re creating a beautiful space that has the potential to lift your mood, boost your spirits and brighten your day!